Monday, February 16, 2009

Room 9's Writing Spot 2008

This New Zealand classroom uses the blog to allow the classroom students to communicate. This is an actual blog site from the Mrs. Rachel Boyd. The teacher has posts of instruction on HOW TO projects. The students are able to respond on the topics adding anything to the ingredients or needed equiptment. Rachel Boyd takes pride in her 6 and 7 year olds.

In the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards

Marisa L. Dudiak's second grade class in Federick County, Md used the blog to discuss what the students learned while on a field trip. The blog allowed them to interact with their peers more quickly than writing in a journal. Blogs are becoming more popular with teachers because they take less effort to maintain than other types of web based sites.

Blogging Classroom Connects to Parents

Fifth grade teacher, Fred Roemer, in St. Petersberg, Fl uses blogs to communicate with the parents of his classrooms. Many of the parents were complaining that the students were not sharing information about homework and test. Mr. Roemer post the activities from the day and spelling words for the week. The website keeps the parents, students and other teachers very informed. There are no pictures avaliable from this teacher.